Something out of Nothing.. !!

Although work gets busy sometimes.. some days are just pure boredom… Then I remembered this blog I started and abandoned. So I decided to write something.. and this came to my mind..

Probably *nothing* important but I really love to PACK. You might think its weird .. but its true..

Growing up I had many uncles and aunts living abroad… time to time they would send a package or two our way.. with bubble wrappings and S shaped packaging styrofoam. These became the props for some of the popular games we played.. we jumped and hopped on the bubble wrap.. and stryoform S’s were served in little toy plates as a substitute for noodles. Ages have passed since then.. but secretly I never grew out of liking these precious things. Its only later I learnt the real purpose of these things.

As time passed packing and unpacking luggage became so common to my family… as we moved around and lived in few countries..Although packing meant leaving and unpacking gave a nostalgic feeling.. I still love how tightly my things were packed when I open my luggage…. with uniform height, where bigger items took most space and smaller items filled up the spaces in between ..just like the styrofoam S’s did. Finding the best spot for placing the right item is like solving a jigsaw puzzle.. where U get to decide the best way to place each item. When things fit perfectly, taking up all space.. I feel like… I achieved something .. !


So years went by.. school was done.. time to find a job .. job hunt begins.. and more time passes.. and soon I landed a job …. And surprise surprise.. storing, labeling and packaging is the main focus of my job.

Now what do u say .. isn’t that *something* or what.. !?!?! :D…