
As the year goes by……….

As the Year Goes By....

The sunless winters brings out the worst of your moods.. as months pass and spring arrives through the cold breeze.. so does the mood it peeks out through the gloominess.. the sunny summers continue to improve… while around fall things get transitional.. good but bad.. clear but blurry.. past months of the year and the future months of next year to come.. regrets and some achievements.. cold but warm weather.. confusion of lost chances or gained experiences.. then its time for the new years to starts.. through the darkness you hope.. hope for the summery warmth yet to come..!! Life goes on like wheel that turns continuously..

Right now.. as April arrives.. I see glimpse of hope.. budding through the darkness … I hope for a warm heart felt summer.. full of memories.. created and missed towards the end of the year.. I’m feeling hopeful..!!