What if..???

A wise lady once told me.. ” if you want to write something good you start with an empty page..” So here I am with an empty blog screen.. waiting for something to come to me..

While I’m waiting my mind wanders.. and suddenly I’m thinking “I wonder what will others think.. if they saw me staring at this page.. waiting.. !?”
I wonder if they think I’m stupid..  if they think I’m just wasting my time.. or I should go do something else .. But I really want to write.. !!

Now I’m debating in my head.. should I write or should I not.. because what will others say.. !?!
Does it really matter what they say or should I just stick to what I want. Am I making the right decision or just wasting my time.. ??

So what if they thought I am a loser.. does that really make me one..?
So what if others say I’m not good enough.. do I stop wanting to write.. ?

What makes me good enough ? is it  the labels that others put on me or is it what I really feel inside.. ?
I know what makes me feel good I know I should write.. but what if no one likes what I write.. should I really care about that..?
