Soo Silly.. !?!?! But I Miss It ..

Has it ever happened to you.. ?? Out of no where you miss something that was once too much.. too obvious.. and too present to miss..??

So while I was tossing and turning on the bed last night.. I was hearing a light tapping on my bedroom window.. I could hear the heavy wind making a roaring sound.. the light tapping was the rain drops..!!! This very thing was something that made me so happy growing up .. as heavy rains meant there’s no school tomorrow… !! (something like a snow day here) …I go to bed with a smile on my face.. 😀

Now where I live rain is not so common.. rarely you hear the raindrops and the wind somehow is of the abundance….Sometimes the small car I drive really feels this wind.. meaning I can’t really go light on the steering wheel without wind trying to blow away my car along with me in it.. ok now that’s too much of an exaggeration… But the point is wind is often heavy.. but the light rain that wash away the weary of long lasting hot summer days or almost ending cold winters.. is a rare occurrence .. !!

Last night with the calming sound of the raindrops .. I was half way down the memory lane until I don’t remember anymore.. I must have fallen asleep… !

I started my school on a rainy day.. I was happy to wear my new rain coat that my dad got me for the first day of school.. other kids had umbrellas .. I liked how I was the only one in a rain coat so bright and yellow.. !! Although school has always given me chills even before I stepped foot in there.. the walk to school was always a fun one.. !! We were careful to ignore the puddles..and so quick to go to the side when a car passed through splashing all of us.. the fact that our school uniform was white .. didn’t help at all.. on a rainy day..!!

Some how the school sports meet was always on the hottest months of the year.. February..!! We only wished for rain which never came.. as for hours we were out in the burning sun for various sports events.. !! Although the first poem I ever learned for English was “Rain Rain Go Away” this didn’t really make much sense on these sports days.. !! ..

Some how my memories, my life back home was so connected with rain.. now hearing the mere sound of rain drops alone gives me teary eyes with a gutt wrenching feeling of nostalgia.. Ohh the good old days..!!

I miss the rain..!!


The Liebster Award


So I logged into my blog today..and found out that Sherri has nominated me for a Liebster Award. Thank you so much Sherri for nominating my blog for this award, it just really made my day.. !! 😀

As I read about this award I found out that this is a way to recognize new bloggers and I am so glad to be a part of it. And here are the rules to keep this going.. :

1) Post the award on your blog

2) Thank the blogger who nominated you for this award

3) Write 11 random facts about you

4) Recognize 11 other bloggers that you think deserves this award

5) Answer 11 questions asked by the blogger who nominated you

5) Ask the nominees 11 random questions

11 Random Facts About Me: 

1) I like Nutella (a loooot)

2) If I was an animal, I would be a red fox

3) I love to pack and organize things

4) I believe I’m allergic to PINK

5) I hated writing essays in school, but blogging is fun

6) I hate the crowded buses, but I miss taking the bus

7) I’m not a big fan of winter, every other season is great

8) I can stare at a good photograph or a picture for a long time

9) I like different kinds of music if it has a good beat, I don’t care much about the lyrics

10) I like to work and be busy, but I need my free time

11) I think 3 is the best number

My Favorite 11 bloggers: 

1) seashell1

2) vandevenbram

3) Blessandinspire’s Blog

4) narminletsthesunshinein

5) ME AT 33

6) Poems and Other Not-So-Pretty Things


8) Arriving…

9) A Little Bit of Everything…

10)  All that I love

11)  inspirationenergy

11 Questions From Sherri: 

1) How long did you think about starting a blog before you actually did it?

For a while I was thinking of keeping track of all the random things I really enjoy doing and the random thoughts that came to my mind. I heard about blogs and thought it was great.
It took me a while to put 2 and 2 together and to realize that if I combine these two things, my problem will be solved :P.  I finally did it few months ago.
So it probably took me few months.

2) If you won the lottery what would be the first thing you would do?

I would go to the small island paradise I grew up in and I miss so much.

3) Who do you most admire?

My family.

4) If you could have any car what would it be?


5) What is your favourite flower?

Orchid or Tulip.. can’t really pick one

6) What is your favourite all-time movie?

The list goes on.. but I will settle for .. hmm cant really pick..

7) What was your worst subject in school?

Probabilities and Statistics …

8) Of all the books you’ve read, which has had the most impact?

Da Vinci Code

9)Have you ever seen a ghost?

I might have… not sure what it was.. but I rather not think about it.. 😛

10) What is your favourite desert?

Chocolate Mousse..

11) If a movie was made about your life which actor would play you?

Zoe Saldana

My 11 Questions:

1) What are you most afraid of losing?

2) If blogging was taken away, what will replace it?

3) Why do you blog?

4) What is the most important “thing” in your life?

5) Who is the most important “person” in your life?

6) Ocean or River?

7) If you can live in any country, what would you choose?

8) Poems or Stories?

9) What’s your favorite movie genre?

10) If you had super powers, what will it be?

11) On a scale of 1 to 10 to decide how weird you are .. how do you rate yourself?

Catching that Feeling.. !!

Have you ever wondered.. what’s that feeling..?? This feeling I can’t put into words.. but was nicely said by A. A. Miline.. See for yourself..? I think its anticipation.. What do you think..??

Well,” said Pooh, “what I like best,” and then he had to stop and think. Because although Eating Honey was a very good thing to do, there was a moment just before you began to eat it which was better than when you were, but he didn’t know what it was called. ~A.A. Milne


Anticipation..?!? or what do u think..???

What if..???

A wise lady once told me.. ” if you want to write something good you start with an empty page..” So here I am with an empty blog screen.. waiting for something to come to me..

While I’m waiting my mind wanders.. and suddenly I’m thinking “I wonder what will others think.. if they saw me staring at this page.. waiting.. !?”
I wonder if they think I’m stupid..  if they think I’m just wasting my time.. or I should go do something else .. But I really want to write.. !!

Now I’m debating in my head.. should I write or should I not.. because what will others say.. !?!
Does it really matter what they say or should I just stick to what I want. Am I making the right decision or just wasting my time.. ??

So what if they thought I am a loser.. does that really make me one..?
So what if others say I’m not good enough.. do I stop wanting to write.. ?

What makes me good enough ? is it  the labels that others put on me or is it what I really feel inside.. ?
I know what makes me feel good I know I should write.. but what if no one likes what I write.. should I really care about that..?


So I Decided to Have a Crack at it…… (Color Your Season??) :P

So now that I have started blogging again I get to read loads of blog posts. Some are mind blowing and I’m amazed by how good people can write.  Lately I started reading some poem blogs and decided to have a crack at it.  Here is what I came up with.. its called “Color Your Season”. It may sound like a kid wrote it.. but oh well.. here it goes.. 😛

Please give me your comments and suggestions as I truly believe that all my fellow bloggers out there can give me all the inspiration, encouragement and guidance that I need.  😀


I have a color for each season..

where I live its the Winter now .. things tend to feel so grey…. !!

But sometimes Winter likes to play games with your mind.. some days are unusually warm.. no way..!!

Like yesterday it was 10 degrees C… despite the huge snow banks you see

for a minute you do believe its the start of Spring..!!

Can’t wait for the grey to be over.. I want my green – spring and  yellow – summer and orange – fall to come..!!

The “Like” Button.. :D

So as I was thinking what else do I like… I figured …don’t I really like this “Like” Button !?!?

There was a time we used to use our brains to remember the things we liked.. You see something you like.. then you take a mental snapshot u can recognize it when you see it again.. wow.. !!  that’s a lot of work.. Things are wayyy easy now.. think about it..

So facebook came along.. and you could network with your old buddies.. spy on their day to day activities through their picture uploads.. then came the need to say something about their lives.. so came the comment option.. ..!! but words don’t always come to your mind.. just a feeling of “i like this” does..

SO some genius invented the “like” button..!! I think that’s one of the most innovative creations of the modern world.. !!

SO join me in celebrating the “like” button.. from facebook to instagram to wordpress and many more ………


*The Regulars.. *

When you think about it.. everyone LIKES to eat good food, explore different countries, watch a good movie or listen to a good song… but what makes YOU stand out from the rest US are those small things you enjoy even without knowing you enjoy the presence of it.. the kind you only realize when you see it gone..

As a kid I grew up in a busy town.. I remember the commute to school in the morning traffic.. I used to hate it.. but now I miss it.. now I live in a place with less traffic.. driving to work is smooth with only minor traffic… Well you must think I’m crazy to miss the traffic.. but read on.. maybe you’ll see why..
Those days on the way to school.. (then to work for a short while) in a crammed up bus.. frustrated at the traffic and annoyed at the people who set up morning classes.. I still enjoyed the silent conversations I had with people on the bus.. all had a different story to tell in the way they wore .. the way they talked and the ways they acted to a similar incident..
You see the same people on the bus.. every morning.. when someone who usually shows up at a certain bus stop doesn’t show up that day .. you wonder if they got up late.. or not working today.. or maybe even took the early bus to work.. and you feel relieved on behalf of them, when they run and catch the bus at the last minute sometimes… These were *the regulars*
I have never been a morning person.. so talking to people in the morning is the last thing I would want to do ..
but I knew quite a bit about *the regulars*…the bits and pieces I put together over the l.5 hour long bus ride I used to do every morning ..for years.. until I finally saved up to buy my own car.. .
  • The buddy ( she gets on the bus two stops after me.. and gets off at the same bus stop and take the same connected bus ..I never knew where she got off … cz I used to get off before her.. she works in the high tech industry.. the fashion sense said it all .. even before I heard her talking to the dentist about it once.. but she was friendly always smiled… on some sleepy mornings that I completely lose track of time.. having her on the busy meant I didn’t miss the next stop.. or the next bus.. and I’m on the right bus..the perfect buddy system)
  • The dentist.. (she can never stop smiling.. and for an avid coffee drinker she had nice teeth… although I never knew if she was a real dentist.. I thought she has to be one to maintain that kind of teeth *for her age… then one day I heard her tell the buddy that she is a dental hygienist.. not a bad guess… !! after all .. but of course..I kept calling her the dentist)
  • The pretty boy.. (good looking when u see from far.. average when close by..  probably into sports.. he graduated recently and works for the gov. …. the shirts were carefully ironed and probably put together the day before … obviously too pretty for a gov. job..)
  • The schooler.. (only met him after I started working.. schooler was exactly me few months back.. went to the same university as me.. the same bus route.. I was relieved I was not on the same boat as him anymore.. I dont miss the morning classes at all.. !!)
  • The know it all… (OMG.. !! don’t want him sitting anywhere close by.. he knows it all.. annoying as hell.. but from what I figured.. he used to have an important job in the gov. mostly into the financial side.. now retired.. probably a widower.. now working at a small company… as a consultant… he was an expert at everything.. damn he talks too much.. )

ImageThe list goes on.. so I miss these people.. often on the way to work now.. I check the bus stops every once in a while to spot some of *the regulars*… and I wonder what was I for those people.. and how they would name me.. 

PS: I would love to know what my blog readers think about this post.. your comments are greatly appreciated.. 🙂